Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 16: 15–20
If you have read the four gospels,
and I hope you have read them, you have probably noticed that each of
the gospel writers has a unique perspective and remembers some details
differently than the others. The first three, the synoptic gospels, are quite
similar to each other, but they have some variations. That is why they are
called the synoptic gospels, since synoptic means "seeing with the same
eyes." The Gospel of John varies dramatically from the first three. This reminds
me of a funny meme I saw on Facebook. Jesus is sitting with the apostles, and
he says to them: "Guys, I need you to listen very carefully. I don't want to
see four different versions of this story getting out." But that's what we
have—four versions of essentially the same story, but each with unique
This weekend, we celebrate the
Solemnity of the Ascension, the day when Christ ascended into heaven. It’s
celebrated elsewhere 40 days after Easter, but because we are “special,” the
holy day is transferred to the next Sunday. And as I noted, we get four
different accounts of the event which we hear in different years. In the Gospel
of Luke, Jesus asks the apostles to remain in Jerusalem until the spirit comes
to them. It seems that Jesus ascended on the same day that he appears to them,
after having opened their understanding to the scriptures. In the book of Acts,
which was also written by Luke, Jesus stays with them for 40 days and teaches
them, and only then ascends. In St. Matthew, Jesus says that he is going ahead
of them to Galilee and makes no mention of the Ascension. Mark makes a general
reference to Jesus' ascension but does not mention where or when. John mentions
that they all went to Galilee, but he does not mention the Ascension at all.
Why so much variation between accounts of this event?
Some sceptics
point to the conflicts in the four accounts as evidence of their dubiousness. But
that’s exactly the wrong position to take. If you have four witnesses to the
same event, do you get identical details in each? No, you get four perspectives
from different angles. In fact, if you did get four identical accounts, any investigator
worth his or her salt would suspect some mischief going on. The historicity of
the four accounts is strengthened by the variation rather than weakened. And in
reality, the variations are in small details. The general story that comes
about is consistent in each account.
One of those areas of variation is in
the Ascension account itself, wich again, only appears in Acts, Luke, and Mark.
This event is the hinge that allows the door of the early Church to open itself
up to the Holy Spirit. Jesus points out that He has to return to the Father, so
that the Father can send the advocate, the defender, the Holy Spirit, to remind
the Apostles of everything that had been revealed to them. Shortly after the
Ascension, the Apostles returned to the Cenacle, where the Holy Spirit descends
upon them on the feast of Pentecost, an event often referred to as the birth of
the Church. This is the event of main interest in St. Luke’s two writings. In
Acts, the writer provides a history of the early Church. The style of writing,
with this prologue aimed at a particular audience, is precisely the type of
historical account that was included at the time it was written. But it is a
story with a specific objective, to communicate the truth about Jesus and share
His Gospel.
So what does the Ascension mean for
us as Christians in the 21st century? What did it mean for first century
Christians? We can understand a little better if we remember how Jesus caused
things to turn upside down. Jesus reverses the order of human experience in
order to invite us into it, and then we experience it in reverse. Let me use
some examples to explain what I mean. First, He existed in eternity, then He
was incarnated, while we are incarnated to be born again after death into
eternity. He is baptized to sanctify the waters of the earth, while we are
sanctified by the water. Even in His way of speaking these same reversals are
shown: in the Beatitudes, where we are told that the poor and persecuted are
blessed; In the Gospel of Luke, it says that those who try to gain their life
will lose it, but those who lose or give up their life will be saved. He speaks
in these paradoxes so often that the Gospel of St. Mark suggests that the
Apostles were actually afraid to question him. This is what the Scriptures mean
when it says that He is going to be a sign of contradiction. That He will force
us to reexamine just what it means to live a good life.
The Ascension is another of these reversals.
He has come down from heaven to assume a human nature, a human form. He remains
divine and omnipotent, but takes up the form of human weakness. And then, God
the Son does something that no one could expect from a divine being: he allows
himself to be brutally killed. But in this single person both human and divine,
He has done something truly miraculous: He has united human nature with divine nature,
so that human nature now conquers death, and He Himself rises from the dead. Of
all the reversals, this is the most impressive we can imagine.
Jesus is not the God of great expectations. He is the
God of mind-blowing results. He is not done with his work of redemption. The
last step is our ascension with Him. He goes back to where he was before, a
human nature transformed and united to the very life of God. His resurrection
is a promise, and the Ascension is its fulfillment. Our ascension begins at
baptism and ends with the resurrection. We are experiencing our own salvation
in reverse. We are already saved. We just have to realize it... and act like
it. If we did that, the world would be transformed.
St. Athanasius, whose feast day was
last week, famously wrote that "the Son of God became man so that we might
become God." Many early Church Fathers from Irenaeus to Clement of
Alexandria to Augustine wrote similar statements. But what does this mean? We
don’t literally become God. But we are brought into eternal participation in
the divine life of God. We are together with Him and see Him directly and
understand Him without our earthly limitations getting in the way. Saint Paul
wrote in his First Letter to the Corinthians 13:12: "Now we see dimly as
in a mirror; but one day we will see everything as it really is." Saint
John wrote in chapter 3 of his first letter, "We must be like him, for we
will see him as he is." All obstructions will be gone, and we will
understand in a greater capacity the mind of God. That is what Ascension means
to us. He will bring our bodies back to life, but most importantly, He will
bring us into His presence forever, and there can be nothing greater than this.
Before I close, I want to take us
back to the Gospel of Mark. The very fist verse of the reading today sends us
on a mission: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole
creation.” That is your mission, and over the last few weeks, we have been
encouraging you to engage it in a very simple way: invite someone to Mass. If
you have a friend or acquaintance who asks you questions about your faith and
shows curiosity about what it means to be Catholic, don’t wait. Invite them. It
could be the moment they’re waiting for and the opening for the Holy Spirit to
awaken them.
Today, we also remember our mothers.
Coincidentally, we all have them. But first we are going to recognize the
holiest of our mothers, the Virgin Mary, whose image all of you women and girls
are. Mary's experiences are the experiences of each of you: whether in your
childhood before the Annunciation, or in raising a child, or in loss and pain.
They all share in their experience, and we have all been blessed by our
mothers. Happy Mother's Day!
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