Exodus 32:7–11, 13–14; 1 Timothy 1:12–17; Luke 15:1–32

I had a rosary that was given to me by a friend who took up making rosaries after he came into the Church. When I came back and was confirmed, he made this one for me. I treasured it because of the love with which he made it, but unfortunately, I lost it. It wasn't until about the time I was in diaconal formation that I recognized the image on the center medal above the crucifix. I walked into the parish office one day, back when it was in what is now the Riffle Center, and I came face-to-face with a print in the reception area. I thought, "Wait, that looks familiar." It was a print of the Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt. And that is the same image that was on the center medal of my rosary.
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