A few weeks ago, Jeff Miller (the Curt Jester) posted a video of an interview he did on his conversion. What caught my attention was that the person doing the interview was a recent arrival at our parish, Eddie Trask. I followed up with Eddie and met over coffee to learn a bit more about his work and how he and his family wound up in Boise.

Anyway, after sharing a bit about our faith journeys, he asked me if he could interview me and get my story. Some of stories I tell are posted here on the blog, but this is the nice condensed version of it.

Wisdom 7:7–11; Hebrews 4:12–13; Mark 10:17–30

I recently took a new position. This is actually the second job change for me in the course of this pandemic. While the first one went very smoothly and quickly, this one has not been as speedy or smooth. My background check was delayed, my start date delayed, the arrival of my laptop delayed. And because everything is done in the cloud these days, I couldn’t get my payroll and benefits set up on the first day.
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Boise, ID, United States
My Life/Conversion Story
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