Exodus 2:1–15a; Matthew 11:20–24

Our two readings today seem so very different from each other, and finding a common theme in them is challenging. So I will do my best to work to bridge the gaps between the two.

We all know the importance of Moses in salvation history, but we don’t always connect the dots in our thinking. Our baptismal rite does a great job of doing this by showing how many of our covenants include some mention of water or the passing over a of a water barrier: the Holy Spirit moving over the face of the waters; Noah’s ark passing through the waters of the deluge; Moses passing through the Red Sea with the People of Israel; and Jesus’ baptism by John in the Jordan.

Amos 7:12–15; Eph. 1:3–14; Mark 6:7–13

You are a prophet. Notice that I didn’t say, “Imagine that you are a prophet,” or “You can one day be a prophet.” You are already a prophet. Your baptism and confirmation join you to Christ—who is priest, prophet, and king. And since you are joined to the Body of Christ through baptism, that makes you priest, prophet, and king. The Catechism affirms that we share in these offices with Him in sections 897-913.
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