Revelation 15:1–4; Luke 21:12–19

Our readings today… well, they sound eerily familiar or at least foreboding. We’re experiencing a time that seems cataclysmic. We’re seeing the kinds of societal breakdown that we expect of the end days. We, of course, are seeing the impacts of the pandemic, which sounds just like the plagues from Revelation. I think we’ve all been seeing the signs of the times in our current events. But frankly, we’ve been seeing the signs of the times for years.

When I was teaching English composition back in the 90s, I took my students through a thought experiment about the cyclical nature of civilizations. They start from some low place and by virtue grow to a place of resilience and strength. From that place, they grow in abundance and liberty.

Proverbs 31:10–13, 19–20, 30–31; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–6; Matthew 25:14–30

Originally, Deacon Mark was scheduled to preach, but he is unable to be here today.

Our readings this week have a lot to say about gifts and talents. Each of us has gifts and talents, and they are given to us for a reason. Now, we know that any capabilities we have come to us from God.
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