How old was St. Joseph?
A colleague of mine posted the following on Facebook concerning the likely age of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus:
St Joseph would have been in his late teens when Jesus was born. Note he is merciful and charitable to Mary before God tells Joseph about Jesus in a dream. Joseph’s faith in and love for God transcended his youth! When I was a teen, I would have been too vain, self-centered, and immature to accept God’s plan, let alone become the adoptive father of Jesus!
The world needs young people of faith, willing to know and love God, to do His will in their lives!
Someone commenting in the thread asked about sources for this material, indicating that she always thought of Joseph being old, and he responded:
I read a really good article on this.
St Joseph would have been in his late teens when Jesus was born. Note he is merciful and charitable to Mary before God tells Joseph about Jesus in a dream. Joseph’s faith in and love for God transcended his youth! When I was a teen, I would have been too vain, self-centered, and immature to accept God’s plan, let alone become the adoptive father of Jesus!
The world needs young people of faith, willing to know and love God, to do His will in their lives!
Someone commenting in the thread asked about sources for this material, indicating that she always thought of Joseph being old, and he responded:
I read a really good article on this.