Maccabees 7:1–2, 9–14: 2 Thessalonians 2:16–3:5; Luke 20:27–38

For what or for whom would you be willing to die? What in this world means so much to you that you would sacrifice your life to defend it? As we prepare to celebrate Veterans’ Day, we clearly recognize the many men and women who have been willing to make that exchange. So for whom or for what would you be willing to die?

Two of our readings today are related in a very subtle way. The first reading from second Maccabees tells the story of a mother and seven brothers, each of whom are ready to die rather than to break the law of Moses, in the belief that they will one day be raised up by God for their faithfulness to the law.

For anyone interested, I will be preaching at 10:00 and 11:30 this weekend.
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