What is faith? Nineteenth Sunday for Ordinary Time—Cycle C
Wisdom 18:6–9; Hebrews 11:1–2, 8–19; Luke 12:32–48
What is faith? What does it mean to have faith? We use the word “faith” a lot, but are we really cognizant of what it means? We need to be aware of how we use this term, if for no other reason than that others may use it differently than we do, and the difference between how we understand the word and how they understand it can make all the difference in how we evangelize.
Yes, I used the E word—evangelize. Like it or not, that is our mission: the mission of the Church and the mission of every member of the Body of Christ—to evangelize, to announce the good news, to go out and be Christ in the world. As St.
What is faith? What does it mean to have faith? We use the word “faith” a lot, but are we really cognizant of what it means? We need to be aware of how we use this term, if for no other reason than that others may use it differently than we do, and the difference between how we understand the word and how they understand it can make all the difference in how we evangelize.
Yes, I used the E word—evangelize. Like it or not, that is our mission: the mission of the Church and the mission of every member of the Body of Christ—to evangelize, to announce the good news, to go out and be Christ in the world. As St.