Step out in Faith—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C)
Isaiah 6:1–2a,3–8; 1 Cor. 15:1–11; Luke 5:1–11
I’m going to tell you a little about a lesser known side of me, unless you’ve read my blog. I have practiced martial arts of various kinds since I was in my mid-20s, even before that actually, but much more seriously starting when I was about 24. I got into it primarily for the mental discipline and fitness aspects, but also for practical self defense. I can remember the first time I had a serious sparring match. I was naturally really nervous, as you might expect. But I realized that I was in the hands of people who understood what they were about, and I was in a controlled environment. So I stepped out in trust, and when my first match was over, I felt the exhilaration of the experience and of winning my first match.
I’m going to tell you a little about a lesser known side of me, unless you’ve read my blog. I have practiced martial arts of various kinds since I was in my mid-20s, even before that actually, but much more seriously starting when I was about 24. I got into it primarily for the mental discipline and fitness aspects, but also for practical self defense. I can remember the first time I had a serious sparring match. I was naturally really nervous, as you might expect. But I realized that I was in the hands of people who understood what they were about, and I was in a controlled environment. So I stepped out in trust, and when my first match was over, I felt the exhilaration of the experience and of winning my first match.