A few weeks back, my sister-in-law's father, Al, passed away. As the de facto patriarch of the family now, I flew there to attend the memorial with my mother.  A little over two years ago, Al came out with another family friend when my father passed away. We had no clue at the time that he would be leaving us so soon after. He was a faithful Christian and by all accounts, a generous and decent man. And that's not saying nearly enough.

In any case, as any of you who have followed my blog know (even though I mostly post homilies now), when I travel, I like to visit all of the local Catholic churches. As luck would have it, Marietta is home to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption, which was decreed a basilica only on 2013. The original of St. Mary's Church was built in 1837.

It's that time of year to start dusting off my vocal chords and start practicing that marathon of Catholic liturgical chant, the Exultet. This chant follows the lighting of the Paschal candle and the procession. I have been privileged to be able to do this for my parish for the past three years since I was ordained. If you've never heard it, you can listen now.

Currently, we chant ours in English and Spanish. I'm hoping someday to be able to chant it in Latin, if God wills it.

Genesis 12:1–4a; 2 Timothy 1:8b–10; Matthew 17:1–9

Do you trust God? Do you trust that He has a plan for you? When you struggle with adversity, do you trust that somehow He will bring about good? Imagine the Lord telling you, "Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk" as He does to Abram in the first reading. Now Abram is in Ur of the Chaldeans, which would be somewhat close to Basra in modern day Iraq, some seven or eight hundred miles from the land of Canaan.

This last weekend, we had a summary prayer service and brunch for the people who took part in our marriage prep program this last session. I was already for it, but a death in the family called me away, so I modified my homily and had Gina deliver a reflection instead. It's made up of bits and pieces of wedding homilies I give, but I think it has some important points that I always try to drive home.
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