Gina and I spent the day with our catechumens and candidates today, After the first of three talks, we had exposition and benediction. Here's my homily from that event.

Mark 10:13–16

Gina and I have five grandchildren, and with most of them, I have gone through the stage in which it is very popular for them to come and cling to me and hang on me, and just otherwise want to be around me. I'm good with that for a while, but it also happens that often the times that they can come to visit are the very times when I have limited free time to get various things done. So at a certain point, I'm not as accessible or generous as I'd like to be. I feel badly for admitting that, but it's simply the truth. Perhaps when I retire, I'll be less stingy with my time. I hope that is the case.

Sirach 15:15–20; 1 Cor. 2:6–10; Matt. 5:17–37

I'm going to be bold and propose something to you that I believe is true and consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church, even though many of us don't realize it. Actually, I know it to be true, but it's one of those truths that isn't spoken often enough.

God will not condemn anyone who chooses Him. God will not forsake those, flawed as they may be, who sincerely and earnestly desire to be with Him.
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