Darwin's Immediate Book Meme
Simcha Fisher is joining Mrs. Darwin in the Immediate Book Meme, so I though I'd join in too. Because I have too many books to read... and am reading too many right now.
1. What book are you reading now?
The Building of Christendom by Warren H. Carroll
This is the second in a five volume series that details the rise and fall of Christendom, by which Carroll means the regions in which the Christian faith came to dominate, not necessarily Christianity itself. He by no means white washes some of the ugliness of history (unlike some Catholic historical treatments), but he does highlight the ebb and flow of Christian civilization throughout the last two millennia. I'm a bit over halfway through and am thoroughly enjoying it. I've got vol. 3 waiting in the wings.
1. What book are you reading now?
The Building of Christendom by Warren H. Carroll
This is the second in a five volume series that details the rise and fall of Christendom, by which Carroll means the regions in which the Christian faith came to dominate, not necessarily Christianity itself. He by no means white washes some of the ugliness of history (unlike some Catholic historical treatments), but he does highlight the ebb and flow of Christian civilization throughout the last two millennia. I'm a bit over halfway through and am thoroughly enjoying it. I've got vol. 3 waiting in the wings.