Why I Love the Catholic Faith: Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium
One of my favorite session to teach in RCIA is on the Catholic understanding Divine Revelation. In it we talk about the three elements of Divine Revelation: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Church.
I've often described the three elements of Divine Revelation as a three-legged stool. Leave out any one of the three elements, and your stool will not be stable and will not support faith fully.
Catholics do not believe in Sola Scriptura—scripture alone—as the rule of faith. Instead we understand that scripture is a primary source of doctrine and theology, what has been called the norma normans non normata (the norm that norms other norms). It is the rule that rules the other rules but is not ruled itself.
I've often described the three elements of Divine Revelation as a three-legged stool. Leave out any one of the three elements, and your stool will not be stable and will not support faith fully.
Catholics do not believe in Sola Scriptura—scripture alone—as the rule of faith. Instead we understand that scripture is a primary source of doctrine and theology, what has been called the norma normans non normata (the norm that norms other norms). It is the rule that rules the other rules but is not ruled itself.