The primary posts for this trip are here and here. This one I wanted to address separately.

When my friend Teri mentioned that Dachau was close to Munich, I was hesitant to commit to visiting. I had one day in Stuttgart and one day in Munich for sight seeing, and I didn't know if I wanted to give up a good part of that time.

But you simply have to go to places like Gettysburg, or Yad Vashem, or Dachau. Our shared humanity obligates us to do so.

So after attending Mass and eating brunch, I hopped on the S-Bahn toward Dachau. The ride was pleasant enough. I sat across from another U.S. citizen, whom I later saw at the site. I walked the distance from the Dachau train station to the camp. What struck me was just how ordinary the town is.

Week 1 of my European tour is recounted here. Week 2 would include the CMS/DITA Europe conference, where I gave a presentation with a colleague and exhibited for my employer(s), Vasont Systems and Transperfect.

After spending my only free day traipsing around Stuttgart, I hopped on an ICE Train and headed to Munich. (ICE stands for intercity express.)

The ride was interesting.

I've just returned from a ten-day business trip for a couple of conferences in Germany. The first was TCWorld Stuttgart 2016, a conference hosted by Tekom, a European technical communications conference and "fair" (what we typically call here an exhibit). This was my first long-awaited trip to Germany.

I landed in Frankfort and took the ICE Train to Stuttgart, then took a taxi to the hotel location (a business park way out by the airport).

Samuel 5:1–3; Colossians 1:12–20; Luke 23:35–43

Today is the last Sunday of Ordinary time—Christ the King Sunday. I think it couldn't have come at a better time—a little reminder for us that, regardless of who sits in the White House, regardless of how bleak the world may look at one time or another, Christ is still Lord and King. I rest better knowing that.
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