Hebrews 6:17–7:2; Matthew
The readings today reflect two
different elements of religious vocation, whether to the priesthood, diaconate,
or religious life. One is that eternal mystery of Christ's royal priesthood, in
which all bishops and presbyters take part, and other is that call to service
that those of us in the diaconate and religious life make our primary ministry.
The first reading from Hebrews
talks about this mysterious figure Melchizedek from the book of Genesis. He was
a priest, it says, of God Most High who offered bread and wine and blessed
Abram after Abram had defeated the kings who has attacked his kinsmen. Abram
gave him a tenth of the spoils from his victory. So while the order is a little
different than our liturgy, the principle is the same. The priest offers bread
and wine, and you give a tenth to the priest.
Now, I would quibble with one
detail of the translation I just read, and that is that the translation of Melchi'-zedek
is not "righteous king" but "king of righteousness," which
has a slightly different feel to it. But what we see here is a reference to
Christ's priesthood. He is the King of Righteousness and King of Peace, and as
Psalm 109 says, "You are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizedek of
old." Christ's priesthood is eternal, and those who are ordained to the
priesthood are, in effect, exercising that same eternal priesthood in
persona Christi, or in the person of Christ. That is a great honor for men
who exercise this ministry, but it also causes some trepidation. Am I good
enough to exercise Christ's priesthood? Am I worthy? Of course, none of us are,
but God will that we come with our weaknesses, and He provides the strength we
In the gospel reading, Jesus sees
the people in the villages in their illness and disease, and they seem to him
like lost sheep. And so he says, "Ask the master of the harvest to send
out laborers for his harvest." The RSV translation says, "Pray... to
the lord of the harvest." And so we are doing this today. We are praying
for those laborers, for vocations to priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.
Notice that they are described as laborers, perhaps even servants. And that is
what ministry involves—particularly diaconal ministry. The word diakonos
itself is the Greek word for service. An ordained or religious vocation is a
call to serve, to labor, to bring in the lost sheep, to gather the harvest of
evangelization. It is not a call to people who wish to be elevated but to
people who are willing to get their hands dirty, to smell like the sheep.
That is truly what Christ calls us
all to, but especially to those in ordained ministry and religious life. May we
pray for more laborers. May we encourage those among us and in our households
to consider a vocation. May we ourselves also consider whether God is calling
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