This is a homily I prepared in case the bishop or other deacon did not have one for today. With so many services, we had a few moments of confusion and disarray, but all the clergy were ready with their parts regardless. What a weekend! Anyway, here's what I put together yesterday when it appeared that I might have to preach.

Acts: 10:34a, 37—43; 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; John 20:1-9

What is the most absurd claim that we as Catholics believe? I mean, we believe in some pretty outlandish stuff: we believe that the water of baptism removes the stain of sin, that saints in heaven intercede on our behalf, that a priest consecrates bread and wine and they become the body and blood of Christ.

Every year during Lent, my wife and I watch the Mel Gibson movie, The Passion of Christ. Sometimes having the visual reminder of Christ’s passion helps us to get in the right penitential mindset. I don’t think you can watch that depiction of the events of the Passion and remain unmoved.
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