This reflection was written for my homiletics training and addresses John 18:33b–38, Daniel 7:13–14, and Rev. 1:5–8. I included John 18:38 because it contrasts with the theme of the Gospel and really helped me to delve into the irony of Pilate's question.


“You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

These words Jesus speaks to Pontius Pilate. Pilate has the earthly authority to send Jesus to His death, but Jesus doesn’t seem concerned that He may pay for his words with His life. He simply speaks the truth.

Habemus papem! Deo gratia!

Wow. What a surprise! I had a lot of names tucked in to different papal competition tiers (just kidding), but Bergoglio was not one of them. But the more I read about him, the more I see how well he matches the needs of this time.

I am already seeing the narrative emerge that he was somehow a rival of Pope Benedict XVI because he was the runner up in the last election, as if he intended a challenge to Cardinal Ratzinger (who had no desire for the job).

Today, I presided over my first communion service to fulfill a requirement for formation. This is the reflection I gave on today's gospel reading.

What does it mean to be “dumb”? Maybe that’s a dumb question. One can be dumb, as in clueless, and one can be dumb as in silent. One can be deaf and mute literally because of physical impairment or figuratively because of willfulness.
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