Wednesday Evening was the Rite of Election for our deanery. I had just finished up sung vespers in the downstairs chapel (with a required video shoot for my homiletics training) and had to join the catechumen that I am sponsoring upstairs. We have 32 catechumens and candidates in our parish RCIA program. The largest parish in our deanery has somewhere close to 130! So we've got some good programs going in our area.

I am doing some short presentations this year—not the full sessions that I have done on scripture and revelation in the past. However, I'm happy to be involved in whatever way I can be. It's one of those ministries that is close to my heart.

I received an additional blessing by being there.

Daily Readings: Jonah 3:1–10; Luke 11:29–32

This reflections was given in the context of sung vespers, so it is shorter than what you would normally here at daily mass.


Jesus calls the crowds that surround him an evil generation. They are evil for various reasons, but foremost because they demand to see a sign from Jesus to prove His authority.

This reflection addresses the readngs for Wednesday after the Feast of Epiphany: 1 John 4:11–18; Mark 6:45–52. It's another short reflection delivered in the context of sung vespers.


Our readings today touch on two of the theological virtues: faith and love (also called caritas or charity in classic texts).

This reflection is based on the readings for Wednesday in the 29th week in Ordinary Time, cycle 2: Ephesians 3:2–12; Luke 12:39–48. Because I gave this in the context of vespers, I kept it shorter than I would for a mass or communion service.


I’m a father of one and stepfather of four. As a parent, I have come to know my children’s strengths well. I can tell when my daughter is not making the most of her gifts. I can see when she doesn’t give 100% or even 20%.

For our last year of study, we have been working and reading on homiletics. We've presented one to our classmates, and I have been giving reflections on the readings when I act as precentor at sung vespers. I'm going to post the ones I've delivered so far, and will post others after I deliver them. This one was my first. It was based on the readings from August 12, 2012 (19th Sunday in Ordinary Time): 1 Kings 19:4–8; Ephesians 4:30–5:2; John 6:41–51.
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