Prepare the Way
Isaiah 11:1–10; Romans 15:4–9; Matthew 3:1–12
We have two messages in today’s readings. The first message is that salvation is coming to all of us—Jews and Gentiles alike—in the form of a savior, the Messiah or Christ. The second message is that we need to prepare his way through repentance.
When we talk about the Gospel message, we’re talking about a new answer, a new solution to the problem of sin. The Israelites had been given an answer: the Law of Moses. By fulfilling the Law of Moses, Israel was to find its way to the Promised Land and to salvation. But in their journey, in their walk with Moses, they seemed to get further and further away from the purpose of the law and from God, even as they drew nearer to the lands of Canaan promised to Abraham.
We have two messages in today’s readings. The first message is that salvation is coming to all of us—Jews and Gentiles alike—in the form of a savior, the Messiah or Christ. The second message is that we need to prepare his way through repentance.
When we talk about the Gospel message, we’re talking about a new answer, a new solution to the problem of sin. The Israelites had been given an answer: the Law of Moses. By fulfilling the Law of Moses, Israel was to find its way to the Promised Land and to salvation. But in their journey, in their walk with Moses, they seemed to get further and further away from the purpose of the law and from God, even as they drew nearer to the lands of Canaan promised to Abraham.