I recently requested prayers for my father, who has had a recurrence of the cancer he had a few years ago. Given that he's 75, we're all a little concerned. However, the fact that this is a recurrence rather than a new cancer is reassuring. Then there's the plain fact that Doc is not going down without a fight. He's almost annoyingly chipper, and it's only annoying that the treatments he's undergoing would make most of use whimper and whine.

Let's start with his test 10 days ago. They (those people who determine such things) decided that they needed to check Doc's bone marrow to determine if it might be helpful in his upcoming treatment. They took a sample, and ran a number of their tests. Doc went home, took a short nap, and scurried off to work.

If you've been following this blog for a while, you may recall that my father had a bout with cancer a few years ago. Thankfully, he was able to address it with surgery and a round of chemotherapy.

Unfortunately, the cancer seems to be back. He has some more testing to do before his oncologist can determine a course of action. Dad still has a lot of life left in him. After a morning of some fairly invasive testing, he took a short nap, then zipped off to work.
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