Mark Shea, Elizabeth Scalia, Fr. Z., and others have written sensible words of caution concerning the allegations about Fr. Corapi. (Sadly, a few of the usual suspects have taken the opportunity to slap Fr. Corapi while he's down, but that's how these ugly scenes go.) I will be very sorry if the accusations prove to be true, but it will not affect my faith one iota, for the simple reason that I expect that good people will fall and that some who seem good will be exposed. We need to pray for everyone and do our best not to be stumbling blocks for others.

Anyway, one of the books I'm reading this Lent is The Imitation of Christ. I'm trying to take it in small pieces to avoid overloading and missing something important.

I just returned with my friend Patrick from the Go West Catholic Men's Conference in Pendleton, Oregon. This event was the third annual conference, and the last that Bishop Vasa, formerly of the Diocese of Baker, will probably attend. I did have a chance to chat with him briefly and remind him of a gift my wife and I sent to him a few years ago (a ball cap with the message, "My other hat is a biretta."). He's a very engaging person, and we'll miss having him in a neighboring diocese.

Ironic Catholic has been doing her part to publicize the wonderful efforts of the people at Reece's Rainbow, a foundation that seeks to find homes for children with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. These children often come from Eastern Europe or China and are considered unadoptable.

IC has been writing a lot lately about this boy, Anthony, who has CP and a number of other secondary medical problems.
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