1. I accepted a position working in my career field, as narrow as that niche is. The conditions aren't ideal, but it's a field I love. In this economy, that is gold.

2. My friend Patrick and I are heading to Pendleton, Oregon tomorrow to take part in an annual retreat with Bishop Vasa and Cdnl. Raymond Burke. I'm a long-time fan of Bsp. V. and an admirer of Cdnl. Burke. I don't do retreats often, but I think I really needed this one. The roads are likely to be nasty, so please pray for our safe travel.

3. I have an idea for a series of novels. I have a tendency to think of big ideas and then let them fade away. (For example, I thought of the bark-off 17 years ago. If I had a patent, I'd be rich!) Anyway, please pray for me to persist with these inspirations.

We celebrated a special event tonight: my daughter Kellina's seventeenth birthday. It's a somewhat melancholy time for me since it looks more and more like she will be my only child, and my active parenting days will soon be over. Every stage up to now has brought some great and small joys, and there is always a small tug at the heart when I remember those little events and idiosyncrasies of her childhood.

We had dinner at a local Chinese restaurant where we've gone for years.

Greetings. Long time no see. I have been job hunting and doing a little contracting since my long-time contract expired two weeks ago. As an XML business analyst, my work is so specialized, I don't even know what I do. (Okay, not true. You can go here for details.) Anyway, while I don't have a lot of opportunities, I have a few very hot ones.

Please keep me in your prayers as I seek new employment. I'm the sole breadwinner for the family right now and am supporting two households.
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