Grace an peace to you on this Thanksgiving. I wish you all the best.

Update: Hey, did you know that Squanto was Catholic? Neither did I! Taylor Smith has the scoop.

I spent last week in Plano, Texas where I was doing some training for a client. Since I knew that a certain Happy Catholic lived in the area, I shot Julie D. a message and asked if she and her husband Tom would like to meet up.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

We missed our initial meeting as my flight out of Boise left almost two hours late. However, we rescheduled for the evening just before I left.

A member of our young-adult ministry team posted a request for prayers for his high-school friend, Trey Humphries, who today was injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan and lost his leg. He was transported to Germany (most likely Landstuhl). I will post relevant information about his rank and branch of service when I can, in case anyone has connections with Soldiers' Angels and would like to help out.

Please pray for Trey's healing and recovery and for his family to be comforted.


This entry is for anyone coming over from Barcelona Photoblog (a blog which I, by the way, love for its beautiful images) wants to lambaste me for my comments in support of the institutional Church and its charitable works. I will respond to any of your comment as updates to this post. Any posts with vulgar and abusive language will be deleted, and I will be the sole judge on whether a comment is sufficiently vulgar or abusive.

I have a special intention regarding... well, I can't really say just yet. I've been given hints that I'm going to get some unpleasant news tomorrow. However, there are so many different directions it could go. So please pray that God's will for me will be done and that my family will be supported regardless of the outcome.

Thanks to you all.

UPDATE: As I suspected, my contract is being terminated early. My manager dug in his heels for as long as he could, but the definitive word came down.

These summaries address Summa Theologica part III, Q14 and 15 respectively.

Q14. Defects of body assumed by Christ

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 13:9

A1. Christ came to satisfy for the sin of mankind. The only way to do this was to take on the punishment due to sin, of which the bodily defects are part. So this did not hinder the Incarnation but was useful toward this end.
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