I posted some old band photos on Facebook from the last two decades. It was an amusing visit to the past. I'm sure my old bandmates are thrilled with being tagged on them.

See the parade of bad haircuts here.

"We now record fetal heartbeats at 14 days post-conception. Re record fetal brainwaves at 39 days post-conception. And I don't expect you to answer this, but I do expect you to pay attention to it as you contemplate these big issues.

I've been reading with some sadness many of the rather tart if not caustic comments about what Anne Rice recently wrote concerning Christianity and her rejection of the label Christian. It saddens me because I saw someone who truly wanted to come back but perhaps was seeing through a glass darkly. I reviewed Ms. Rice's two books on the early life of Jesus here, both of which I enjoyed, and she was kind enough to drop by and comment.

Michael Totten, a blogging photojournalist who works extensively in the Middle East, is currently in Israel. He posts this very interesting interview with an Israeli friend on how different the perspective on Israel is from the inside.
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