I noted in my previous post my stop at the Etzel House and my walk around Tel Aviv. I'm always struck, when I go to Israel, by the contrasts as I move from block to block. Tel Aviv-Yafo appears, in some places, like a cosmopolitan metropolis and in other places, like a third-world slum. Keep in mind that Tel Aviv is younger than Boise, Idaho. It was established in 1909 as a settlement for Jews outside of the city of Jaffa (or Yafo, the Hebrew name). Yet it's a world city, and a place where cultures and markets meet rather than collide. It has almost twice Boise's population with more than twice its density (that is, twice the population on less space).

Tel Aviv is sometimes not much to look at, especially in the areas close to Jaffa.


I write like

H. P. Lovecraft

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software.

Last Wednesday evening, I had dinner with a former coworker of mine and her husband in Yafo. It took us a little while to settle on a restaurant because I had had some trouble locating a strictly kosher restaurant in the area. Neve Tzedek seemed to cater more to the secular crowd. I finally asked the concierge, who must not have understood my question. Fortunately, Ian figured I might need a little help, and he booked a reservation at a restaurant close to my hotel.

Greetings, all. I arrived back in Boise around 3:30 PM GMT. My last day, as usual, began around 7:00 AM in Tel Aviv, with checkout at 8:30, followed by a trip to the Palmach and Eretz Israel Museums in Ramat Aviv. I can heartily recommend the first (an experiential museum following the lives of seven recruits as they train to serve in the elite commando unit) but did not have time to adequately appreciate the second.

Aside my commutes to the work site in Rehovot, I have pretty much been in Tel Aviv for my entire stay here in Israel this time. My first night was simply a struggle to stay awake until after Mass. I had dinner at a restaurant in Old Jaffa in the square close to the plaza in front of St. Peter's Church. I took this photo of a minnaret from my table in the restaurant. If you look at some of my earlier photos, you'll see other perspectives on this tower.

I received some disappointing news today. I won't share the particulars, but if you would keep me and my vocational discernment in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it.
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