Fortunately, not for me.

However, the husband of one of the people with whom I train in Krav Maga arrived at work today to find that he no longer worked there. Day before Thanksgiving. Great timing, eh? Anyway, he's a computer engineer and does just about everything: network administration, application development, desktop and server(?) support. If you have any leads, please leave them in the combox.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

A friend of mine who has grown up in baptists churches all of her life sent my a question on how the Catholic doctrine on Purgatory came about and it's place in Catholic soteriology (although she didn't use those exact words). Does it eliminate Hell?

This is by no means a complete explanation, but I though it might be worth posting.

Purgatory doesn't eliminate Hell, and it's really more of a state than a place (although you'll see terminology for both state and locale in many descriptions).

Julie D. posted a beautiful lithograph by David Roberts of what appears to be a view of Bethlehem from the north (mostly settlements there now, I believe). I commented that many of Roberts' lithographs are of scenes I've photographed (inexpertly, I admit). She asked me to repost some of those. Unfortunately, I'm a bit strapped for time this weekend, so I'm just posting some Jaffa photos that I missed and added a list links to my older posts.

My wife, daughter, and I had the pleasure of attending the Awake and Alive tour on Thursday. Now, those of you who spend any time with me know that my tastes in music run from the more traditional (especially in liturgy) to the rather hard and heavy stuff. The Awake and Alive tour would be an example of the latter.

Four bands played: The Letter Black, Decyfer Down (one of my favorites), Hawk Nelson (one of my daughter's favorites), and Skillet (the headliner, who we all like).

My (step)-grandson is going in for some, uh, technical adjustments in the nether regions tomorrow. He's been recovering from a cold this last week, so please keep him in your prayers.

The Darwins have been posting clips from That Mitchell & Webb Look. This one is pretty funny.
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