Okay, actually Addison, Texas, I guess, but Plano is pretty much where I'm spending my days training this week. I had a fairly uneventful flight in yesterday, albeit delayed by an hour, which put me smack in the middle of Dallas rush hour during a fairly decent rain shower. Not wild about doing 70 MPH in the rain when I don't know where I'm going. Next time, I rent the GPS.

I had hoped to get some more of my theology homework done this evening (DVD lectures by Marcellino D'Ambrosio). However, after my typical first-night hotel experience (about four hours of sleep total), and a busy day getting lost in perhaps the most secure corporate environment I've ever encountered, I just don't have a whole lot of energy left. Think I'll pack it in early.

A few weeks ago I served as lector at Mass. Typically, when we attend Mass, we sit either in the north transept of the cathedral or, if we are serving as lectors, in the south transept. This allows us a view of the front row of either opposite side of the nave. On this particular day, a young man was sitting in the front pew on the opposite side. He clearly wasn't familiar with the liturgy and seemed to be pretty ambivalent about being there.

I've had a slight uptick of vistors since Julie D. and Mark Shea posted my prayer requests. Welcome! I will try to post something amusing in the upcoming days. Tomorrow night is our local Theology on Tap, and I will be providing music, along with my band, Dark Night Lifting. Unfortunately, our drummer has a conflict and has to be in Ontario, Ore. with the BSU Blue Thunder Marching Band, so we will have a guest drummer.

Greetings, everyone. As of today, I'm officially a candidate for the diaconate, and my wife has been accepted for lay ministry formation. The Rite of Candidacy and Rite of Acceptance for Lay Ministry Formation took place today at Holy Apostles Catholic Church in Meridian, Idaho, Bishop Michael Driscill presiding.

We've been in training for the last 15 months and have another three years to go, but this is the first official rite along the way.

After my last presentation at our parish RCIA group, I spoke to a young lady who was struggling to learn more about the faith. She was raised a Methodist in a very anti-Catholic environment. She was never really very interested in that faith, and she drifted into atheism befor heading off to college.

Now, amazing things are happening to her and bringing her to the Church, but she is struggling.

The BSU footbal team, that's who. When they start off by rlling the opposing team in the first quarter, I don't sweat it much and just pop in now and then to check out the score. They;re playing this one against Tulsa a little too close. However, they're up by 4 at the hlaf, so I shouldn't complain.

And there are more important things... like my homework.

And the Prices are welcoming their new addition into the world today. I think that trumps the other stuff handily.

You've heard about the latest award that Obama's been given haven't you?

HT. to Ace of Spades HQ

UPDATE: My clock radio is set for KBSU at 6:00 AM. Very literally, the first thing I heard this morning was that President Obama had one the Nobel Peace Prize. My wife and I responded in the exact same words: "Bleh."

First, that's an awful way to wake up. At very least, they should've delayed the announcement until everyone had had an opportunity to down a cup of coffee or tea.

I take back my post on Gary Larson's cartoon. This young man is a virtuouso.

Most accordions I've seen have a two and a half octave to three octave range. I've never seen one with the range this one has. Amazing work.

HT to Patrick Madrid.

I get occasional hits from the Phillipines nad in fact had a few tonight from someone who is diligently doing his or her theology homework despite the horrendous weather. Know that we're praying for your safety and for God to grant you all comfort during this difficult time.

If you would like to donate to support relief efforts in the Asia Pacific region, you can do so at Catholic Relief Services.
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