It looks like Darwin is stirring up trouble again. He has an exposé up on

the old Capitalist pig, Beatrix Potter.

I just had a much needed revelation as I was reading over my notes on the Sacrament of Baptism. This particular lecture started with the issue of infant baptism, why some reformers (Anabaptists) disputed its validity, how the Church justifies it now, and how clearly Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition both attest it (the former implicitly—e.g., Col. 2:11-12—and the latter explicitly).

I've just wrapped up an ecclesiology/church history course for the deacon formation program, just after having started a course on the sacraments. I have another tripple header coming up—seminar, followed by paper, followed by RCIA presentation. After that, I should be able to focus solely on the theology class.

On of the course texts is Johanes H. Emminghaus' book, The Eucharist: Essence, Form and Celebration (originally, The Mass: Nature, Form, and Celebration).

I couldn't tell you if there are any, but apparently the staff at Eastern State Hospital in Washington seem to think there are. Unfortunately, this insane killer decided to go AWOL.

I can't say I'm too surprised. I used to live right down the hill from Eastern State Hospital in Medical Lake, and security there has never been exactly what you'd call tight. Or even existent.

is more Truthers.


And just in case you haven't seen this reality series from a few years back.

This weekend marks an annual event here in Boise, when which I never fail to miss.

Kitsch in the Park!*

Looking for a new dream catcher?

Or maybe a wolf t-shirt?

Or maybe you want a dreamcatcher with howling wolves on it?

Or maybe you're just looking for a new velvet Elvis to put next to your old velvet Elvis.

I've been asked to give a presentation at our parish RCIA class on Divine Revelation. I've been a stand-up trainer for publishing technologies, and I've taught literature and composition at the college level. This will be my first ever Church gig.

It's about one semester's worth of theology stuffed into 90 minutes. We'll either see how much I overprepared or prepare to set a speed record.

We're feeling some financial and personal stressors right now. I would appreciate any prayers you can offer us. Grace and peace to you.

If anyone out there knows anything about a translation of Augustine's Retractions, please drop me a line.

I have been wondering whether or not I should baptize my grandchildren. I don't mean arrange for them to be baptized but actually do it myself. And, no, I'm not yet an ordained deacon. I'm simply aware that bad things happen to good people, and my stepchildren don't have the same understanding that I do of the necessity of the sacraments.*

By the way, my fall theology course is on the sacraments. The first lecture talks about the requirements for a valid baptism, and Dr.
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