In a way...

HT to Mark Shea.

The last time I was in Jerusalem, there were quite a few visitors to the Holy City, it being Pentecost and all. I ran into this little fellow when I went to the Basilica.

I asked him to light a candle for me, but he said, "What? Are you nuts? I'm a freakin' squirrel!"

So much for pious woodland creatures.

If you follow what's happening with Catholic colleges and universities, particularly those trying to maintaon their Catholic identity, you may have heard that the EEOC recently reversed their own previous ruling on Belmont Abbey College concerning the coverage of contraceptives by the college's health plan. As it turns out, it looks like the EEOC was prompted by Washington to reverse the ruling.

Went surprisngly well considering we were down one guitar player. The question period went on for a good half an hour, so we were waiting on the back patio of the Stone House for everyone to come out. When the questions did finish up, everyone stayed inside! We were halfway through our set before people started to filter out.

Anyway, it went well. We sound good as a three piece, but it sure would be nice to have some back-up vocals.

As some of you might know, I applied to several police reserve programs a few months back and was contacted and interviewed for one department. O have actually come some distance through the screening process and was beginning to believe it very possible that I might be accepted.

However, I've been conflicted as well. The last semester at Holy Apostles coincided with a very in-depth course on Catholic social doctrine.

I went to sight in and shoot my new AR-15!

I purchased this rifle back on November, while I was clinging to my bible (RSV) and religion, but it took me some time before I could get the right optic for it. Then things got busy. Finally, I picked an Eotech red-dot sight, and started haranguing my friend Mark to go out and help me sight it in (since I've never done this). Anyhow, today was the day.

I went to Corpus Christi House in Boise today to fulfill the last 5 hours of my internship for the social justice component of my diaconal training. When I arrived, I learned that there had been a service for a young man who had died there the previous week. At first, I had the impression that he had died on my last shift, but I knew that I had checked the alleys and hadn't seen anyone sleeping in the afternoon heat.
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