I was in a meeting with a potential client and a potential business partner (PBP), and after everything was done, the PBP and I were talking, and we somehow got on the subject of self-defense. I mentioned that I had been training for about 19 years, but that I'd recently started training in Krav Maga. He smiled and said, "I teach it."

A business relationship made in Heaven (perhaps literally).

Anyway, he had looked across the table at my knuckles, noticed the scrapes and scabs on my knuckles, and thought, "That guy punches stuff." His kids even trained under the person who is training me. Sometimes, I just love how small this valley is.

For two reasons...

We seem to be getting the green light to continue in diaconal formation. I'll be submitting an official request to our bishop for consideration. Please pray for our discernment for this vocation.

On a sad note, Gina had a miscarriage earlier this week. It takes me a while to process these things, and I was just beginning to grasp the notion that I might have a son or another daughter soon. Gina is dealing with more than just the emotional impact.
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