See You at Easter!
I've decided over the last few days that my Lent has not progressed as I would like. Oh, sure, I've kept (for the most paret) the committments I made. However, I don't feel closer to Christ, and I have really felt distracted and sort of uncentered (perhaps due to all of the studies for Patristics and deacon formation). Anyhow, I've decided that I need to refocus and put my attention somewhere else for the remainder of Lent—primarily on scripture and meditation. I'm going to take a break from blogging (reading and writing) for the time. God bless you all.
Also, please keep in your prayers Bobbie Van Steenburgen, a St. John's parishioner and a member of my wife's small faith community.
Also, please keep in your prayers Bobbie Van Steenburgen, a St. John's parishioner and a member of my wife's small faith community.