I might've mentioned before that I'm playing with a band for the diocesan young-adult ministry, TVYAM or Treasure Valley Young Adult Ministry. The name of the band is Dark Night Lifting, and Chris, one of my bandmates, has put up a web site here. We also have a fan site on Facebook put up by Bob Bailey, the TVYAM director, here.

We play fairly regularly, and I'm happy that I get to switch back and forth from bass to acoustic guitar. It helps me keep up my chops on both.

Now of we could just write some songs and record a little.

Well, for medical school, anyway. He grew up in Montpelier and after finishing at Notre Dame, he attended medical school in Burlington.

My spiritual reading is currently from Dietrich Von Hildebrand's Transformation in Christ. Much like Fr. Thomas Dubay's Fire Within, Transformation is a spiritual two-by-four for the complacent Catholic. What both books do is clarify just what it means to entrust yourself to God's will. It's a message that we sometimes think we understand, until someone like Dubay or Von Hildebrand holds up the truth to daylight.

Last night, I woke up at 2:30 AM and had some trouble getting back to sleep.

I assume that's Mike up there diligently studying in Gaming, but you never know. Welcome, anyway. Feel free to comment, as I can always use some input in my thinkifying.

I have to say that the forum participation this term is worse than most. That is one of the most frustrating things about distance learning: unless forum participation is required, few will bother with it.

I see it as another opportunity to clarify my understanding, so I do it whether it's required or not.


Desribe in detail Patristic themes concerning Christ’s saving work

Christ’s saving work is part of the salvation economy of God the Father—His plan for saving mankind. As St.

UPDATE: Greetings to everyone coming over from the Patristic Carnival at Hyperekperissou. I want to apologize for the confusion caued by my title. The essay actually deals with the mature of Christ's natures. As I noted in my comments, "The problem [the matter if His two natures]seemed intractible, but because Christ had two wills, He provided a way." My original explanation is below.

*That matter of Christ's two wills wasn't actually settled until the Third Council of Constantinople.

Earlier this week, I was reading a post by Tim Jones on speaking in an authentic, counter-cultural voice. While I appreciate the concept, I can't agree with his take on Christian pop music. He seems to be confusing medium with message. While there's certainly a lot of bad Christian pop music (and maybe that classification may be a bit broad), there's most certainly some very good Christian contemporary music.

Patrick Madrid has this oldish clip up, and I watched it again today. It still just stuns and touches me. First, this story reminds me that, while much is wrong with the direction our country is heading, there is much that is good about the people. Second, as my wife mentioned earlier to me, God doesn't make mistakes. He makes opportunities for moments of grace. This video is a prime example.

What I love most is how Jason's classmates react when he's simply given the opportunity to play. Wow.

Fun-size candies lack fun.

I'm just sayin'.

I had a shocking discover last evening, when I looked again at my syllabus to find that the paper I thought was due on Saturday was actually due tonight.

I panicked. I didn't think I had the material together enough to form a coherent thought. After a few emails back and forth with my tutor, I determined that I was going to finish on time and not take a differment (even though he would have let me). I managed to get the work done and submit it on time.
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