I mentioned before that this campaign is playing out like a boxing match, with Obama appearing to have the upper hand, while McCain occasionally makes fairly significant attacks that have clear impact in the polls.

I just recalled (don't know why it took so long) Muhammed Ali's name for this strategy: rope a dope. Oddly enough, Andrew Sullivan used it in reference to Obama's strategy against both Hillary and McCain.

The way Ali always used it was to encourage his opponent to expend energy while he rested on the ropes. Then he would come back with an unexpected flurry of punches when the oppinent was at his weakest and end the fight.

Are we in the flurry stage? There are punches coming in from all sides, and the lead seems to be slacking.

This video comes from an interview done shortly after McCain was taken prisoner.

HT to Blackfive.

As mentioned in the update to the bumped post below, Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Murphy came out with a much more direct statement today concerning the obligation of Catholics to actively work to reverse Roe vs. Wade:

Roe v. Wade is a clear case of an “intrinsically unjust law” we are morally obliged to oppose (see Evangelium vitae, nos. 71-73). Reversing it is not a mere political tactic, but a moral imperative for Catholics and others who respect human life.

There have been numerous statements concerning Catholic social teaching during this campaign season. The USCCB released its latest advisory on the subject in May. Several bishops (Bsp. Farrell of Dallas, Bsp. Vann of Ft. Worth, and Bsp. Finn of Kansas City) have all come out with more specific statements. Thomas Peters has the scoop here.

I have heard numerous people recently talking about well-formed consciences and the role on conscience in terns of our moral obligations.

If you haven't yet, his chance encounter with Obama has netted him with both more than his allotted 15 minutes of fame*, but also an undeserved liability that may cost him the ability to continue in his career.

Here's the encounter:

So, Obama walks up to this guy's house and addresses him, and this man is being dressed down for not being a licensed plumber? Around here, someone who does plumbing and does plumbing is called a pipefitter, but what they usually do is the same thing.

It would be easy to give up right now because the sound of defeat seems to be ringing in our ears. However, things may not be as bad as they seem.

This from RedState.

This from Townhall. (Yes, I know. I'm not always wild about Coulter's approach, but she is insightful.)

And this from Hot Air.

I mentioned the way this campaign is starting to look like the last few rounds of a boxing match a few days ago. I think the little pieces of the strategy are starting to fall into place.

I've been reading Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism, which notes the rather interesting fact that fascism in the U.S. has always been a phenomenon on the left and is, in fact, still closer to socialism than to U.S. conservatism.

Just tonight, I was thinking about one of my favorite bands form the late 80s, Living Color and one of their hits, Cult of Personality. Seems that the band was prescient in its recognition of this fact.


Do you remember that comment that McCain made about Obama not knowing the difference between a tactic and a strategy? So right now, the McCain camp is throwing a lot of small shots that could be damaging but are mostly just getting the Obama camp off balance. The second debate gave the Obama camp a reason to increase their expectations, but the Ayers question and the new NP relationship are starting to make waves.

Dale Price is reviewing some of S.M. Stirling's latest offerings, in particular the follow-up to the Sunrise Lands, The Scourge of God and a collection of short stories. I've previously commented that Steve Stirling is a essentially a fantasy crack dealer, a description I suspect Steve finds rather amusing. That post also just happens to be one of the few that draws traffic.

Yes, I will be buying both, when I actually have time and funds to do so.
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