Announcements, Announcements, ANNOUNCEMENTS...
First, I just want to say to all of you who are landing here after searching "Palin evil" you are most welcome. I hope you see something here that tempers the PDS that seems so rampant in the left blogosphere of late. I might post about the whole "conservative = anti-intellectual" meme that seems to have captivated so many of a liberal mindset. But not now... no time.
I'm heading off to Barcelona tomorrow. I promise to take more pictures and post them. I even emptied my camera's memory ahead of time. If you have any special requests, please let me know. I won't be doing the Dali or Picasso meseums this time, but I'm open to any other suggestions.
I'm heading off to Barcelona tomorrow. I promise to take more pictures and post them. I even emptied my camera's memory ahead of time. If you have any special requests, please let me know. I won't be doing the Dali or Picasso meseums this time, but I'm open to any other suggestions.