CWN is carrying this story on Blessed Pavol Gojdic, a Byzantine bishop who served in Slovakia during the period of the Holocaust. I was at Yad Vashem just last Friday. The story notes that some Jewish people believe Catholics in Solvaka assisted in their persecution. I can't speak to that, but I did note that the museum had two separate stations on the Catholic Church, both of which seemed to provide a less than positive commentary on the Church's relationship with Judaism, before and during the Holocaust.

The first reference mentioned the "ambivalent" attitude of the Church toward Jews, whom some believed were responsible for murdering their savior. This station had a quote from St.

My brother forwarded me this clip of Carlos Vamos playing Little Wing. What incredible tapping technique.

We have grandchild number 2 on the way. It looks like things are not going as smoothly, and the pregancy is considered high risk because of placenta previa. Please keep mother and child in your prayers.

One of our fellow parishioners sent out a request for prayers for her son. Please add David R. to your prayer list:

On Wednesday I took my son to the eye doctor when he was complaining about seeing a big black spot everywhere he looked with his right eye. He could barely see anything at all. To make what’s turning into a very long story a bit shorter, they’ve discovered a mass of sorts on the macula behind his right eye.

I'm back as of yesterday, still not fully recovered from the change in time zones, and probably a little worse for the wear because of whatever bugs my neighbors on the airliner were coughing into the recirculated air.

That notwithstanding, the trip was not only successful, but enjoyable and educational. I had two separate tours through the Old City, both of which gave interesting perspectives on the history there. I had a chance to wave at the birthplace of St.

Okay, Day... uh.. 5 in Tel Aviv. I've become much more comfortable here over the past few days. That is probably due to the fact that I've actually met and interacted with people. On my first day on the ground, I saw probably the worst parts of Tel Aviv (some zone between Tel Aviv and Jaffa filled with graffiti and "kibble" as Phillip K. Dick would've called it), followed by some concentrated time in Bethlehem.

I arrived in Israel on Saturday after sundown, which is good as nearly everything shuts down during Shabbat. I will get to experience that come Friday at sundown. I've been told that I need to catch the bus out of Jerusalem by 4:00 PM. I'd like to try to visit the Old City, so I'll have to get there early Friday morning. Busses do not run during Shabbat.

One of the important lessons of the Old Testament, and one which points toward future doctrinal matters in the New Testament, is the matter of grace and gratitude and its role in Christian salvation economy. Where grace is seen as man’s due, disaster follows. Where grace is seen for what it is (God’s unmerited gift to us), grace abounds and increases.

Bruce Springsteen had a point in his 1987 microanalysis of human progress[1], and it was a point evident in the stories of the Genesis patriarchs: for every step forward we make on our own power, we invariably take two steps back. The story of Joseph, son of Jacob, exemplifies the limits of human effort in effecting redemption. While Joseph acts out the role of redeemer and savior for his family, the Egyptians, and the surrounding nations, the salvation he offers is mitigated.

Greetings, and a happy new year to you all!

I'm sorry for being so unresponsive over the last few months. I guess I've been going through a spiritual rough patch. Managed to get through my scripture class without messing up my GPA, and I will resume regular blogging shortly—probably with fewer quizzes and more of my own cogitations.

I do have one thing to ask fo you, and that is for your prayers for my upcoming trip.
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