Merry Christmas to all of you out there, and happy Chanukah to my Jewish friends (although they're not likely to be reading this blog anyway). I may get off my duff and post some more soon. I have a Patristics class through Holy Apostles coming up in a few weeks, so that will be fodder for blogging.

If you are in the Treasure Valley, you might dial in to 790 KPSD this afternoon at 3:00 PM or this evening at 8:00 PM for "Faith with Father." You can also listen online at I was asked to sit in for someone as a studio audience member. Our rector, Fr. Henry Carmona, asks a number of questions, and we're called to respond. This is the first of two sessions we recorded, and I suspect I'll be asked to take part in more in the future. Anyway, please tune in.

Forty-four years ago tonight, at a military hospital about 60 miles east of Boise, I came wailing and crying into the world. I have lived in three other states since then, tried and left several lives behind, had some experiences I wish I had forgone, and have had others that I remember fondly. I'm happy to be married, to have a wonderful wife, daughter, step-daughters and stepson, and two beautiful grandchildren.

By God's grace, I think I'm a better man than I was half a life ago.

Sorry for taking so long with this post. I'm in Lexington, Kentucky today doing some business training. Everyone is at lunch, and since I often don't eat lunch when I travel (to avoid the afternoon crash that often follows), I'm sitting here with little else to do.

I'll add most of the architectural shots without comment, since I don't recall the names of many of these buildings. A couple were designed by Gaudi, but others are just in and around the city.

If you would please add my wife (who sometimes comments here under the name St. Joan) to your prayer lists. She will be going into surgery in early January to have a myomectomy. The recovery period is 3 to 8 weeks. I have no doubt she'll bounce back quickly. She just seems to do that.

Peripherally, this situation has developed since we moved to a high-deductible insurance policy (on which I cover all premiums, as a self-employed person). We will be having a tight winter and spring financially.

Hi. Just thought I'd drop by to water the blog and say hello.

Don't have much to write, but you can always go check out Patrick Madrid's new blog. He even has this catchy bug you can put in your sidebar.

Yes, I suspect he's a silly man.

Check your blog here.

I can't say I'm two surprised. I've taken that darn MBTI about four times and come out as INTP every time (except for the last, which was a reduced version of the test). It's interesting that some people came up with different results between blog and the blogger.

INTP - The Thinkers

The logical and analytical type. They are especialy attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into.

I could survive for 1 minute, 32 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by Bunk

HT to Julie D

So now that we're facing some stiff challenges on the prolife front, we need to get to work where it matters.

I received a note yesterday from Several Sources indicating their precarious financial situation. Several Sources runs several shelters for unwed mothers. If their current situation holds, they may have to close down one of their shelters.

If you want to follow up your prolife votes with prolife action, visit the Several Sources Shelters site and donate today.

Yeah, not too happy with that outcome, but it's done, and we have to move on. I can say there are two bright spots in this outcome.

1. The decision was clear, and there won't have to be any debate about the outcome. We have another peaceful transfer of power, even in a time of great division.

2. We have the first black president in our nation's history. For most of us who supported McCain, it was never a matter of Obama's race but of his policies and associations.

Wy, I'm bitterly clinging to my guns and religion! What else?

Go vote! Don't listen to the exit polls! And pray for our country!
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