I won't be posting any more until after my exam tomorrow, but here's a story I hadn't heard before. I much more familiar with the scrubbed version of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Fr. Stephanos, OSB, has a far more interesting version.

As Fr. Corapi is fond of saying, our mama wears combat boots.

I will be getting to the book meme with which Mark at Dominican Idaho so kindly tagged me.

I found this oddity on Cordelia's Shoes, a relatively new blog whose title alludes to one of my favorite Catholic novels.

This one's for you, Julie D.

P.S. I'm beginning to come out of my torpor and have two posts I hope to drop in a day or two... or maybe after my sacred scripture final this Friday.

Okay, I have to admit that I occasionally get a litle jealous when I read of some people who get copies of books gratis to review. I think, well, heck... I could write reviews. But the plain truth is, I burned out on review writing a long time ago. So it would really be all about getting free books, and I guess there's really no advantage to a publisher to do that.

I'm still here, and I apologize for not posting more frequently. I've been meaning to post some pictures of the monstrous turkey my wife roasted last weekend (33 pounds). I've also finished my second paper for the semester and am preparing for my final. When I read about Adoro's workload, I feel a little guilty.

The latest class has been very interesting, and I think I've finally decided that my focus should be on sacred scripture.
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