I'm starting a scripture class this semester that focuses heavily on lectures and writings by Paul Nadim Tarazi, an Orthodox scripture scholar. He's clearly very knowledgeable about the cultural and linguistic contexts of the Old Testament books, but I have to say I'm not really sure what to make of his take on the Old Testament in terms of history. If any of you are familiar with Tarazi, I'd be interested in your impressions.

BTW, I'm trying to decide whether I should retire the blog. I just am not finding much to inspire me these days.

I'm officially an old codger (or step-grandfather, whatever).

Kennady Lynn Rose, born 12:47 PM MDT, weighing 7 lbs, 14 oz.

Yes, I know how to spell Kennedy. I didn't choose the spelling. Sheesh.

Something today drew my thoughts to Luke 24 and I was struck by the parallels of the story with the Catholic liturgy. The story itself takes place on the day of the resurrection, a Sunday. This much is confirmed in both Luke and Matthew. The first part, the Liturgy of the Word, parallels Christ's interpretation of the Old Testament scriptures to the two disciples.

I apologize to my friends that I haven't submitted any posts in a few weeks. I haven't had the desire or inspiration to write. However, my next class begins in a week, so I'll have subject matter soon.

I would like to request some prayers:

- My stepdaughter, Hannah, will be giving birth any day now, and I will officially become a stepgrandfather. Please pray for her and for her unborn child.

- Our bishop, Most Reverend Michael P. Driscoll, is having back surgery.

A friend of our has a prayer request.

She has a friend whose very young son has cancer. He recently had surgery to remove the cancerous growths, and they found more cancer than they had anticipated. Of course, the little boy needs our prayers, but the parents are also really struggling. Please pray for them as well.
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