As a student and sometime instructor of literature, I'm rankled occasionally when I hear people excuse their flighty decisions and vascillations by saying "consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, don't ya know?"

Uh, no I don't know.

These people attempt to cover their indecision or inconsistency by a false appeal to authority, namely Ralph Waldo Emerson (a dubious authority, but a very quotable one). However, this reference to Emerson's essay "Self Reliance" misses the point, in large because it's so frequently misquoted.

Pope Benedict XVI met on Tuesday during his vacation with a group of priests and answered some of their questions. Sandro Magister has posted the Holy Father's response to a question by a priest who acknowledged some disappointment with the fruits of Vatican II to this point.

Shawn Tribe at the New Liturgical Movement has a post on how a so-called "peope's altar" can be prepared for use for the extraordinary form of the Mass (the Mass of Blessed John XXIII).

The argument about the insuitability of a "Vatican II space" for the classical use Mass has always struck me as either unimaginative or simply disingenuous. Cleary, the photos in Shawn's post underscore that point.

Fr. V. at Adam's Ale has a couple of interesting posts concerning how we discuss and think about the Eucharist. Part of the first post discusses the proper disposition for extraordinary ministers. The second post concerns how our liturgical music reflects our Eucharistic theology. I don't think you'll be surprised to learn that many of the hymns reflect a watered-down theology, one that doesn't highlight the true mystery of the Real Presence.

I was thinking a bit more on the meaning of the term “pastoral” this morning, particularly in relation to a passage I chose for lectio divina this morning, Isaiah 57: 18–19:

I have seen his ways, but I will heal him;

I will lead him and requite him with comfort, creating for his mourners the fruit of the lips.

Peace, peace, to the far and to the near, says the Lord.

Fr. Phillip Powell, O.P. has some comments on National Catholic Reporter's recent howling about the motu proprio. The name of his post is rather ironic (for reasons that will become clearer shortly): Dissenting Wolves Bleat at Their Dissenting Sheep.

What got my mental gears grinding in particular was this comment by Fr.

... and I mean that literally.

I was born in 1964, so I can faintly remember Latin and Greek used frequently in the liturgy (although never for the readings, homily, or eucharistic prayer). I remember that catechesis used to be much more direct and concrete, particularly concerning matters of sin and punishment. However, that's about the extent of my memories of "traditional" Catholicism.

Jacob Michael (the Lumen Gentleman) has craeted a database for those who would like to organize efforts for requesting the classical Tridentine use or the Missal of Blessed John XXIII. You can nter your name and contact information here. If you tried a few days ago and got an error message (which is what happened to me) give it another shot.

Michael Barber notes Dominic Crossan's "recommended meditation" for the Holy Father:

Finally, I suggest this meditation for Pope Benedict—courteously, of course, as one author of a Jesus-book to another. When the People of God were on trek towards their Promised Land, they needed both a Leader and some Scouts. The Scouts went ahead and were the first to enter the Promised Land—although they did end up there on some surprising rooftops. The Scouts returned and reported what was up ahead.

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting with a number of other parishioners to listens and take part in a broadcast of Catholic Answers. Jerry Usher just happened to be in the area to visit a friend and offered to do the broadcast and to share his thoughts with us on how to promote Catholic radio on our area. If you haven't met Jerry before, he's as genial in person as on air. It was a pleaser having him here.
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