Peter at the Catholic Restorationists blog has posted an assessment of the Holy Father's program of restoration. If I had anything to add, I would; but I don't, so I won't. I think Peter is spot on in his analysis.

I've been encountering an odd species of mushroom in my yard recently. I looked them up last year when we had a couple because they have a rather, uh, distinctive look about them. I tracked them down and found that they were variety of stinkhorn, phallus impudicus. I don't think I need to comment further on the name or the images. Clearly, though, it's not the sort of thing you want popping up (so to speak) in a respectable garden.

I've decided to dispense with the pseudonym and use my real name. I have my reasons for not doing so until now (and for not using my last name). However, I know that it rankles some bloggers that people hide behind pseudonyms. Probably not coincidental is that many of these semi-anonymous bloggers use the shield to lob shibboleths and firebombs at others. I hope no one has ever thought of my comments in this fashion. In any case, here I am, Bill B., the blogger formerly known as Theocoid.

I was involved in a discussion on another blog recently concerning whether acts of vicarious faith or retroactive intercessory prayer can result in someone's salvation after that person has passed away. I used as an example of vicarious faith the healing of the paralytic in Matthew and Mark in which Christ heals the paralytic based on the acts and faith of his friends. This interpretation was disputed, but I've come across it enough that I'll let that point stand on its own.

Elliot posted his answers, so I guess I'de better post mine, too.

1. skull crushing, cyberpunk, noir, megalopolis, dystopian = Bladerunner

2. famous score, Elba Island, Prussian, 1810s, Engaged Couple = Waterloo

3. Corporeal moritification, hunchback, autopsy, glasses, labyrinth = The Name of the Rose

4. peril, ancient sword, undead, giant spider, wizard = Return of the King

5. katana, captain, alcoholic, honor, redemption = The Last Samurai


Archbishop Chaput has an excellent essay in First Things today on the need for Catholics to espouse their faith publicly and heroically. I'm trying more and more to live up to this ideal, but I have a long way to go.

I indicated prior to Holy Week that I did not think the motu proprio would be coming until after Easter. So now I'll make my actual prediction, which is probably a bit anticlimactic. I think it will be released on or just shortly after Pentecost. It only makes sense to me that this document loosening the restrictions on the Tridentine Mass would be released in honor of the birthday of the Church.

I recently received a comment from John Kippley on an essay I posted concerning different levels magisterial authority and what we owe to each. I'm actually quite grateful that John's comment got me back to this question while it was still fresh in my mind. I long ago accepted the wisdom of Pope Paul VI's teaching on contraception, and I found Pope John Paul II's teaching on the theology of the body beautiful and compelling.

This one comes to us via Fr. Z. In an address to CELAM, Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos made specific references to the loosening of the restriction concerning the 1962 Missal. To the point...

For these reasons the Holy Father has the intention of extending to the whole Latin Church the possibility of celebrating the Holy Mass and the Sacraments according to the liturgical books promulgated by Blessed John XXIII in 1962.

I just received a copy in the mail yesterday and am reading during my break. I just came across something pertinent to the essay I posted here. And he also touches on something else I wrote about here.

In the Foreword, the Holy Father writes concerning the historical-critical method and the four senses of scripture:

There are dimensions of the word that the old doctrine of the fourfold sense of Scripture pinpointed with remarkable accuracy.
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