We had an interesting homily yesterday, the subject of which was forgiveness. The content was good although I have my suspiscions about the motivation behind some of the comments. However, the main point of the message was that we are called to forgive others as we are also forgiven. This command is, of course, very clear on both its requirements and the consequences. If we do not forgive, or sins will not be forgiven.

We must always be aware of our obligation to forgive and cognizant of the mercy of our Father, who graciously forgives us even after endless offenses. I've heard some apologists claim that forgiveness is required of us, but only if the one who has offended has asked for forgiveness.

I've been busy!


I spent mst of last week in Seattle for a Microsoft summit. That was interesting, particularly since the previous three I've attended were pre-Vista. Last week wasn't the best time for travel. I had a paper due on Saturday and only some of my notes and articles. However, everything went well. I completed the paper without the need of the extension I had requested, and I got a good my grade.

My wife and I managed to miss the underground tour again.

Fr. Phillip Powell has some entertaining reflections on St. Joseph and familial relationships.

I wonder of Nicholas will wish he'd thought of that blog title. :-)

The aforementioned Phatcatholic has posted on a number of texts he's reading for a Christology course. I haven't taken any Christology courses yet, but we've had a little in this Norms of Catholic Doctrine course I'm taking now, as well as some additional coverage in supplemental readings for the philosophy for theologians course.

COPS recently aired two shows filmed here in Boise. I didn't see either of them. It turns out that at least one of the incidents took place a few blocks from my house. Another incident took place in one of the larger parks not far from here. I had no idea I lived in such a rough part of town. (Actually, it's a very nice older neighborhood.)

Read more in our local paper.

The folks at Alive and Young are proposing a new program based on Neighborhood Watch.

I just know I want to see more of these posted around our diocese.

I meant to post about Fr. Dwight's sensible comments concerning bad liturgy (also taken up by the Roving Medievalist and Andrew at Unam Sanctam). Alas, I was too busy and never got around to it.

Fr. Dwight has started a project reminiscent of The Screwtape Letters (albeit from a more Catholic perspective), the Gargoyle Code.

Turns out, I've managed to offend the PRC. My blog has been banned in China. I'm guessing the criteria for banning are not very stringent.
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