This update isn't so good. Sophia still isn't out of the woods, so please keep praying.


"Veronica just called me with the results of today’s CAT scan, and asked me to send an email and ask you for special prayers. The main artery in the brain is blocked. They explained that it is the artery that takes the blood out of the brain, so with extensive blockage she has the risk of a hemorrhage.

"They put her on medication to thin the blood but the doctor explained that it takes time, maybe days for that to happen, and in the mean-time it’s dangerous. I was about to start writing to you about today, and how well Sophia was doing. She walked, took a bath, ate, and even talked on the phone with my daughter Karina. This shows us how quickly things can still change.

I recently submitted a paper on the development of the doctrine of scriptural inerrancy in the Catholic Church, and I have a chance to read up a lot on various views on hermeneutics. One of the most interesting aspects I found during my research was this concept of the "literal sense" of scripture. I've had a few debates in the past concerning just how the Church interprets certain passages and the constraints it puts on Catholic exegetes in terms of interpretation.

In case those little blobs are a bit too unclear, they're cats.

If anyone finds a better image of cat herding, please send it my way, and I'll make a new poster.

Is anyone familiar with the Carmelite Community of the Word in Pennsylvania? Is this an order that's worth supporting?

My paper is now out of the way, and I'm hapy to report that I received a good grade on it. Now, I need to finish up my preentation for a professional conference by Friday and begin moving the parish foodbank, and the busiest two months in my professional life will be done.

Just in time, too.

Mark at Dominican Idaho has an update on Sophia's condition. Recovery is slow, and it's still difficult to say what will happen. Please keep up your prayers, and also add some for strength and courage for her parents and family. This ordeal is rough on all of them.

Wolftracker is at it again.

HT to Amy Welborn.

Anglican primates! They're having a meeting, you know? And Elliot has kindly pointed to an illustrated report.

Funny, I was expecting to see something different from a meeting of primates...

My paper is done. Now I only have to...

- finish a presentation for a conference

- move the parish food bank

this week.

Slowly but surely I'm getting out from under this pile.

Sophia apparently had a seizure last night. Please keep the prayers coming.
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