I've been memed, by a Dominican, no less.

The Questions:

(1) Favorite devotion or prayer to Jesus:

The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Jesus prayer.

(2) Favorite Marian devotion or prayer:

The Holy Rosary, although I also try to say the Angelus when I remember.

(3) Do you wear a scapular or medal:

I wear the brown scapular and the Miraculous Medal, which also has the St. Benedict medal. I also ear a crucifix on the same chain as the Miraculous Medal.

(4) Do you have holy water in your home:


(5) Do you offer up your sufferings:

I do, but I need to do it with more regularity.

(6) Do you observe First Fridays and First Saturdays:


(7) Do you go to Eucharistic Adoration? How frequently:

Not very oten. This is another thing I need to do more frequently.

...to everyone. The peace of Christ be with you all.

The late fashion of revisionist biblical history underscores a general trend in our day and age toward a twisting of truth, surely indicative of what our Holy Father calls "the dictatorship of relativism." One indicator of the trend is the degeneration of popular folk epics into revisionist screeds—the transformation of folk hero into antisocial predator.

No example would be more apropos than Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

The Biography Channel is right up there with the History Channel in competition for the official title of "Channels Most Likely to Dispute Biblical Accounts." Perhaps the worst example is the series "Mysteries of the Bible," which should more properly be called "Postmodern Feminist Mysteries of the Bible."

The episode focused on Mary, the Mother of God. Naturally, the regular cast of modernist theologians and scripture scholars were trotted out to make claims of conflicting accounts (cave vs.

Okay, I did manage to make off with quite a few new books on my latest birthday, and I picked up a few more with a gift card to Barnes & Noble. The big surprise was the three titles by Cardinal Ratzinger, including The Spirit of the Liturgy. I'm working my way through that now (along with four other books I've been picking at for a while). I can never read only one book at a time.

As initimated in last night's post, today is the 42nd anniversary of my nativity. Or whatever.

My wife, daughter, parents, and brothers got together to spoil me last night. As my dad once warned me, someday I would miss those family get togethers. Now, I look forward to every other Sunday when we all have dinner at my parents. I think my wife and I may be taking over the hosting soon as Mom is not as excited about feeding a large horde anymore.

...that would be a misguided waste of energy.

If I sound different tomorrow, perhaps a little more mature or wiser, that would also be a figment of your imagination. There would be absolutely NOTHING to it.

BTW, would you also please not mention the number 42. I'm just sayin'.

Kansas City Catholic brings new meaning to the term "interfaith dialog."

*Please let me know if the declension for "street" is incorrect. I was sort of winging it.

The Pertinacious Papist has an interesting post on welcoming converts into the Church. Having gone through RCIA at a rather liberal parish, I can confirm many of the reflections and supporting comments. Oddly, I recall that one of the points they frequently touted about membership in the Catholic Church was Sacred Tradition. Yet most of them were quite happy dispensing with Tradition and Magisterial Authority when those sources of doctrine didn't jibe with personal preference.

Yep, that would be my current work life. In addition to the end-of-year stuff for the food pantry I run, I'm getting hammered at work (both for actual billed work and general business development stuff). And did I mention that we didn't shop early?

So posting will be slow for the next few days. However, I would like to link to an excellent speech that Archbishop Chaput gave at this year's Orange County Prayer Breakfast, courtesy of Jeff Miller.
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