I'm hoping someone out these can direct me to any statements by the Holy Father concerning Heaven, particularly whether Heaven is a place. One of our priests today made a statement for which I want to verify the context. Essentially, he said that Pope Benedict created quite a stir recently when he said that "Heaven is not a place."

Now, my concern with this primarily is with its lack of context. Certainly, it's reasonable to assume that Heaven is not a place in a temporal-spatial sense, as God and the spirits are not limited or bound by space and time. However, that's not the same as saying that there is no "place" or abode separate from Earth that is Heaven.

The semester is buzzing right along. Prior to this section's readings, I was familiar with some of the material, but Daniel-Rops does an excellent job of fleshing out the details and build a coherent picture of the Church in the early second century.

What is the meant by apostolic authority at this time?

Apostolic authority was originally the authority given to the twelve apostles by Christ himself.

Someone else has been at it with the sign generator.

Kansas City Catholic is a new blog in a diocese with a new bishop, one who isn't afraid to cast out the moneychangers.

My mother was raised by mid-Westerners. My father grew up in Vermont. I grew up on or around military bases with lots of transplants. The results are no surprise.

...but not just any fruit. This would be one of the seven fruits of the Holy Spirit. Moneybags tells you how.

I'll be gone for a few days on business. If I find time between studies and work, I might sneak in a post, but don't count on it.

I'm wrapping up the readings for this week, and I came across a passage in Daniel-Rops's Church of Apostles and Martyrs that I find to be an apt object lesson for the U.S. It's a picture of Rome during its golden age.

During Augustus's reign slaves accounted for more than one-third of the population of Rome; in Alexandria, possibly two-thirds.

We have a developing situation about which I don't really want to post anything specific. However, I would like to ask that you all please pray for my stepdaughter, Hannah, that the Lord will grant her wisdom and guide her decisions over the coming weeks.


Dom Bettinelli has posted a photo of his newborn daughter at his site. Mother, baby, and hand-wringing father all appear to be fine.

UPDATE: Doh! Typos are even worse when they're in Latin.

I've been reading about St. Teresa of Avila lately, and I'm struck by the humility of this dynamic woman who had so many gifts.

Our society puts us at odds with the notion of humility these days. We're encouraged to think about what's right for me, what I want out of life, what the world owes to me. Society compels us toward egocentrism. People who are considered successful in the world's eyes are those who have gone and gotten theirs.
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