If any of you wandered over here from Albertus Minimus's blog, I offer you a hearty welcome. I've been a bit lax of late due to the wrapping of my first semester at Holy Apostles' College and Seminary. Oh yeah, AND my full-time job, and taking care of Christmas stuff for the kids. Now that my immediate family has gone from two to six, and I have a bit more running around to do.

I plan to do a lot of reading and a bit o' blogging in my short time off. Of course, I shoud also probably act like an adult for some of that time as well...

UPDATE** Oh yeah! Make sure to add yourself to my Frappr map. And if you's be so kind as to add a false memory about me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I swear I will post something more substantial this weekend, but for now I'm adding the gratuitous quiz.

I'll probably get NO responses, which is just fine, but since I've posted on both Rick Lugari's and Happy Catholic's sites, I felt it would only be fair to allow reciprocation.

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME.

It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

Does the Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory meter ever go any lower than "Filled with heart-ache at such gobsmacking vileness"?

A look here suggests not. Apparently believing in the ability of mature men to free themselves of obsessive and selfish inclinations is a bad thing.

No, not the Madonna, but Madonna.

Just read this little tidbit on Relapsed Catholic's site.

So this counts as one of those pet peeves of mine that the folks at Seize the Dei got to yammerin' about the other day.

- I can't stand when people who have some kind of academic pedigree (or is that pedicure?) raise tripe to the level of art.

- I can't stand to listen to people go on and on about the blues (or jazz) are when they know nothing about music.

About a year ago, I started talking with a former bandmate of mine from back in the big-hair days. Back then, the two of us used to butt heads frequently. Both of us have... uh... strong personalities. (I probably don't exhibit it as much as I do in person, but, yeah, I can be a bit full o' me self.) My problem was that I thought I was somehow more musically edumicated and that he was musically unwashed.

Doh! Looks like I've been demoted. I've gone from being a flappy bird to a miniscule microorganism in the space of a day or two. I understand some work is being done on the ranking algorithmns. Done in by math once again.

Of course, I haven't been blogging as much since I submitted my last paper. I could be writing about "The Document,"™ but frankly it's being hashed over by far better writers than I.
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